Best Practices for Avoiding Blind Spot Motorcycle Accidents
Blind spots are dangerous for anyone operating a motorized
vehicle, but they're exceptionally dangerous for motorcyclists. When a
motorcyclist gets inside a passenger car's blind spot, this is when accidents
can happen. Luckily, with a few precautions, motorcycle riders can avoid
dangerous collisions and avoid potentially life-threatening injuries.

Law firms such as George Stein Steelhorse Law that specialize
in motorcycle accidents want motorcyclists to be informed when taking to the
road. Follow these tips to keep safe while enjoying the freedom and
exhilaration of riding your motorcycle.
Tip #1-Know How to Identify Blind Spots
All vehicles, including motorcycles, have areas around their
vehicle that they can't see well. Larger vehicles may have bigger blind spots
than smaller vehicles, but regardless of size, a blind spot makes it difficult
for the driver to see another vehicle when they enter this area. Although many
newer vehicles on the road have blind spot assistance technology, motorcyclists
shouldn't rely on this technology to protect them. Instead, motorcyclists need
to stay aware of their surrounding and know how to identify potential blind
spots so they can avoid them.
Regardless of the vehicle's size, there are common blind spots.
These areas include:
Anywhere on the vehicle that can clearly be seen
when the driver looks in their mirrors. The bodywork blocks other cars,
motorcycles, and pedestrians.
The area between the rearview mirror and what
the driver sees while looking forward
The gap between the car in front of you and
alongside you
That last blind spot is why motorcyclists need to practice safe driving habits such as staying in defined lanes and never weaving in and out of traffic or riding on the shoulder.
Tips #2 - Practice Defensive Driving, Not Aggressive Driving
Motorcyclists need to stay alert to everything around them.
Scan the area in front of you and don't practice aggressive driving. Stay at
least 20 feet back from vehicles in front of you. This gives you time to react
if a car changes lanes, slows down, or comes to a complete stop.
Tip #3 - Make Yourself Visible
Bright-colored clothing isn't just for hunters. Motorcyclists
may prefer black leather, but wearing bright colors helps motorists see you
better. If you're not interested in changing the color of your attire, consider
mounting a brightly colored flag on your motorcycle. The goal is to make sure
you're seen.

Tip #4 - Turn on Your Headlights
Another way to stay visible to drivers is to keep your
headlights all the time. Drivers are more likely to notice your motorcycle near
them when the headlights are shining in their rear or side view mirrors.
Yes, motorists are supposed to make way for motorcyclists on
the roadways, but it's a good idea to follow these tips to keep yourself safe.
There are too many distractions that take drivers' eyes off the road. Have you
been involved in a motorcycle accident and need an attorney? Call us at (404) 522-1000
and tell us about your accident. Our motorcycle attorneys are here to help!