Motorcycle Accident with 18-Wheeler
While driving home from work, our client approached an intersection with an entrance ramp to a major highway. A big rig, hauling a 53 foot trailer was waiting in the left turn lane, yet instead of making the legal left turn, the truck decided to cross over both lanes of traffic in an attempt to go back onto the highway. Unfortunately for our client, the truck pulled directly into his path of travel causing a catastrophic collision. Our client suffered a significant leg and foot injury requiring multiple surgeries piling up hundreds of thousands of dollars of medical bills. Steelhorse Law and a team of experts were able to prove our client was not at fault and obtained a 1.9 Million Dollar settlement for our client.

School Bus Causes Major Accident With Motorcycle
What began as a normal drive to work turned into a life changing event for our client. A school bus carrying children took a left turn directly in front of our client forcing him to swerve into a ditch, which ejected him from his motorcycle. Our client suffered significant hand, arm and shoulder injuries, which needed multiple surgeries to correct. The events from this accident could have bankrupted our client due to the medical bills and loss of work, yet, Steelhorse Law was able to secure a great settlement for our client, negotiate medical bills and get his family back on their feet

Truck Without Proper Lights Causes Wreck
Our client struck the back of an illegally parked 18-wheeler who was sitting in the dark in the middle of the road without proper lighting. The client was forced to endure 5 surgeries to his leg and ankle, forcing him to be out of work for over a year. Although initially the trucking company attempted to blame our client, after reconstructing the scene and aggressive representation, Steelhorse Law was able to recover a 1 Million dollar settlement for our client at a mediation.

Biker Reaps Benefit on Insurance Company On Bad Faith Claim
A motorcyclist was seriously injured by a Defendant with inadequate insurance coverage. Steelhorse Law was able to recover $350,000.00 in a bad faith claim against an insurance company when there was originally only $50,000.00 in coverage. This was a great result for a deserving client who had suffered a serious hand leg injury requiring multiple surgeries.

Client Struck By Stolen Vehicle With No Insurance
Client, who was driving his work vehicle, was struck head on by a stolen vehicle driving the wrong way on a local interstate. The wrong way driver, who was killed on impact, had no insurance. The client, whose truck flipped over had a severe leg injury and was out of work, due to no fault of his own, for months, and was forced to endure several painful operations. Steelhorse Law was able to obtain a great result for our client, which enabled him to purchase a new home for him and his family.

Client Struck By Drunk Driver
Our client was rear ended by a drunk driver in Gwinnett County. Fortunately, our client was not significantly injured, but was obviously traumatized by what could have been. Even though our client only had two doctor visits and under $3,000.00 in medical bills, Steelhorse Law was able to achieve a settlement in the amount of $50,000.00 for our client.