How to Recover the Damage Cost After Motorcycle Accident
Being involved in a motorcycle accident can be devastating for the victims, and usually, the damage done is two-fold. Not only do those involved in motorcycle accidents often incur potentially catastrophic injuries, but there is a degree of property damage involved in any traffic accident as well. For some riders, a motorcycle may not only be recreational but may serve as the primary mode of transportation to engage in daily activities such as work. For that reason, motorcycle accidents can be particularly detrimental to those left to pick up the pieces afterward.
Fortunately, the legal system provides a mechanism by which those involved in motorcycle accidents caused by the negligence of others can get compensation. Personal injury law allows those who've been victimized by the actions of others to recoup damages related to medical costs, lost wages, and damage to physical property. Keep reading to learn how you can recover damages in the wake of a motorcycle accident.

Two Types of Claims
While individual personal injury claims resulting from a motorcycle accident may have different circumstances, they do have something in common. Claims arising from motorcycle accidents typically fall into one of two categories or a combination of the two. In the wake of a motorcycle wreck, injuries sustained as a result of the accident will likely require extensive medical treatment and rehabilitation. In some cases of catastrophic injury, your future ability to earn a living and maintain pre-accident quality of life may be impacted. As a result, the legal system allows accident victims to levy claims for compensation for medical bills, suffering, and loss of income resulting from the accident if another party was at fault. The other category of damages that routinely results from motorcycle accidents is property damage. Motorcycles have value, and when you're involved in an accident that is the fault of another, you have a right to make a claim to collect the cost of repairing your motorcycle.
Your Insurance May Pay
If you have collision insurance, there's a good chance that you will receive a payment for the value of your damaged motorcycle from your insurer. Your insurance company may elect to make a repair to your motorcycle to restore it to its pre-accident condition. Or, it may be totaled, which means that you'll be compensated for the value of the motorcycle as determined by your insurance company. Some policies may also include features such as rental car allowances that can keep you mobile while your motorcycle is being repaired.
The Defendant's Insurance May Pay
If you don't have collision insurance, you will have to get compensation from the insurance provider of the person who was determined to be at fault in the accident. This process can be arduous, as defendant insurance companies may attempt to pay you the lowest possible amount for your claim without going to court. However, you may get your motorcycle damage costs reimbursed by the other driver's insurance company, especially in cases where there are no injury claims involved.
Personal Injury Claim
If you have received significant injuries as a result of the accident and someone else was at fault, your best shot at compensation for both the damage to your motorcycle and your injuries will probably come via the legal system. You can file a personal injury claim with the help of an attorney. The defendant may offer to settle and pay you an agreed-upon sum for property damage and injuries, or your claim may be tried in court.
If you've been involved in a motorcycle accident, there's a good chance you're entitled to compensation for damage to both your health and property. To learn more about recovering damages after a motorcycle accident, contact George Stein Steelhorse Law at (888) 382-6878.