Common Causes of Motorcycle Crashes

Common Causes of Motorcycle Crashes

In 2022, there were 6,218 motorcycle fatalities in the United States. Those deaths made up 15% of total motor vehicle-related deaths. Along with the devastating deaths that occur each year, thousands more motorcyclists are injured in these accidents. All too often, these accidents and injuries are through no fault of the motorcyclist's driving behavior. The risk of becoming injured in a motorcycle accident is understood by anyone who mounts a motorcycle to drive on public roadways, but this doesn't make the accidents themselves any easier to face when you or a loved one crashes and suffers an injury.

When these accidents occur, you must understand your rights as a biker and the steps you need to take to protect and advocate for yourself to ensure the responsible party covers your healthcare expenses and other costs. Read on for a look into what causes most motorcycle accidents and the steps you can take to protect yourself before and after an accident.

The Primary Cause of Motorcycle Crashes in the U.S.

What is the main cause of motorcycle accidents? The answer to that question varies depending on which state you live in. However, the six most common causes remain the same everywhere:

  • Alcohol
  • Fixed objects
  • Lack of awareness
  • Lane splitting
  • Speeding
  • Low visibility

According to the National Center for Statistics and Analysis, there was an increase in alcohol-impaired motorcyclist deaths in 2022. Of the total number of biker deaths, 42% had a blood alcohol concentration of .08. Collisions with fixed objects refer to accidents involving parked vehicles, signs, trees, and other obstructions in the road. While lane splitting, the act of riding down the middle of the lane on a bike, is illegal in most states, some bikes still decide to perform this dangerous action, contributing to one-fifth of accidents. Perhaps the most common accident caused by both bikes and other motor vehicles is speeding, which accounted for 35% of motorcycle crashes in 2022.

Accidents often occur due to the lack of awareness of other drivers. As motorcycles aren't as large in comparison to other vehicles, drivers either miscalculate the space between them or may miss them entirely when attempting to change lanes or turn. In many cases, these accidents are due to the other vehicle's inability to identify a motorcyclist on the road. Drivers of other vehicles may change lanes without realizing that a motorcycle is in their blind spot, or they might turn onto a different road without checking to see if their turn is cutting off a motorcyclist. Low visibility may also play a part in this accident cause, hence the importance of wearing bright and reflective gear when riding.

Other Common Causes of a Motorcycle Crash

While passenger vehicle collisions account for most accidents, other causes of motorcycle accidents include collisions with a non-fixed object and noncollisions. Non-fixed collisions include moving non-vehicles and other non-stationary objects, including animals or pedestrians. Noncollision accidents apply when motorcyclists lose control of their vehicle and crash. Common causes include icy or slick conditions, damaged roadways, or operator error.

Safe Riding Tips to Avoid Accidents and Serious Injury

Even though motorcyclists are often not liable for their accidents, every cyclist should practice defensive driving and take preventative measures, such as defensive driving, to avoid encountering the most common motorcycle accident causes. Nevertheless, motorcycle crashes continue to be disproportionately caused by crashes involving at least one other passenger vehicle in motion at the time of the accident. To reduce the risk of injury, consider taking the following steps:

  • Wear a helmet when riding. While helmets are not legally required for every state, they are required for all Georgia motorcyclists- drivers and passengers alike.
  • Wear reflective clothing to improve your visibility and reduce the likelihood of a collision.
  • Maintain a safe riding distance from other vehicles, as they may have difficulty seeing you if you're riding too closely. Keeping a safe distance will make you more visible and give you more time to react to any hazards on the road ahead.
  • Ride in groups when possible since motorcyclists are more noticeable when part of a larger group than riding solo.
  • Enroll in a motorcycle safety course if it has been some time since you last received proper safety training. A safety course can provide a refresher on defensive driving techniques and other strategies to avoid accidents and protect yourself.

What to Do if You've Been Injured in a Motorcycle Accident

Motorcyclists know the high risk that other vehicles will not spot them on the road. But sometimes, you can't avoid getting into an accident. If you are in a motorcycle crash, you should first call 911 to get emergency services to the accident scene—even if you think you've escaped with minor injuries.

You should also get the contact information of the other parties involved in the accident, as you will need this information when dealing with police and insurance. Once your injuries are tended to, contact a motorcycle crash attorney. You need legal support to navigate this process and ensure the responsible party adequately meets your healthcare and other compensation needs. Even if you believe you're at fault, an attorney can review your situation and determine if other parties are partially or fully to blame for your accident.

How you respond to a motorcycle crash—including whether you are properly compensated for your losses and suffering—will have a tremendous impact on your ability to recover from this event and move forward with your life. Always ensure you have the support and advocacy of a trusted motorcycle crash attorney to help you through this process.

How an Attorney Can Help YOU

While you recover from your accident, it's natural for thoughts to swirl in your mind. How long will you be unable to work? Will you need a new bike? How will you pay your medical bills? If someone else is at fault for your injuries, you can hold them financially liable. This is where having an attorney's assistance becomes crucial. Accidents can lead to expenses totaling thousands of dollars, covering medical costs, emotional and physical pain, bike repairs, lost wages, and more. Our team is dedicated to working tirelessly to secure the compensation you deserve, which may include:

  • Emergency room visits
  • Surgical procedures
  • Short- and long-term rehab
  • Pain medications and treatments
  • Support at home for recovery
  • Costs related to complications
  • Pain and suffering

An attorney from Steelhorse Law will carefully examine the case details, document your injuries, and track down crash reports. Depending on what we discover, you can file to recover losses you've incurred due to another's negligent actions. You can step back, focus on healing, and let us handle your case. Our skilled team of exceptional lawyers will vigorously advocate to secure the full value of your claim.

Compensation for a Motorcycle Accident

Regardless of the cause of the motorcycle accident you were involved in, you have the right to seek compensation for your injuries. In cases where you are found partially responsible for the accident, you can still receive compensation; however, the total amount will be reduced by the percentage of your fault (for example, if you are 20% responsible, you will receive 20% less than the maximum possible compensation).

Victims of motorcycle crashes have two options they can choose from when it comes to how they recover compensation: a lawsuit or an insurance claim. Talk with your defense attorney to determine which option best suits your case. They'll offer valuable advice and lead you in the right direction. Your attorney will help you recover compensation that potentially includes:

  • Medical bills Lost income
  • Pain and suffering (including scars and disfigurement)
  • Lost tips, commissions, and bonuses
  • Disability
  • Lost employee benefits (paid time off and insurance coverage)
  • Property damage expenses
  • Lost earning capacity
  • Physical therapy
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • Mental health counseling

When Unavoidable Accidents Happen, Call Steelhorse Law

When you're on your bike, it may seem like the world around you disappears. But that peaceful feeling is instantly shattered when you're involved in an accident caused by another driver's recklessness. If you or a loved one have been involved in a motorcycle accident, don't hesitate to call Steelhorse Law. We take great pride in protecting our clients from biker biases' and always provide empathetic, fair, and aggressive legal representation. We understand there's more to consider when defending a client. That's why we fight to the last second to secure compensation that will help you move forward.

We don't back down from a fight and DEFINITELY don't give in to pressure from the opposition. Let us protect your peace of mind and your right to recover damages. Call Steelhorse Law to schedule a free case consultation and learn how we can assist you.

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